Today I'm going to talk to you how to redeem an Amazon gift card on your account and to use it to order things from Amazon. Let's unbox that. Now, there are three types of amazon gift cards: the regular physical cards, print at home cards, and e-gift cards. Physical gift cards and print at home gift cards are redeemed the same way, you have to manually redeem them on your account, while e-gift cards are sent to your email or phone and you redeem them simply by clicking the link in the email or text. So let me show you how to redeem a physical gift card. Step one. If you didn't already know Amazon gift cards look like plastic credit cards and you can buy them on Amazon and ship them to someone, or you can buy them from various physical stores. So if you've got one of those store-bought cards that looks like this, just remember to open this paper packaging to find the actual gift card inside.
get gift :