Adoist is a free site for classified ads, where you can place your ads simply, without registration.
Are you looking for something?
The best things are usually locally. For example if you are looking for a used car, job or language teacher, it’s sure that local offers will be the best and the cheapest. You can narrow your searching conditions on your own state or city, so you don’t have to travel far for a product. Look for a new job in Job category, buy a car in Vehicle category or find your new home in Real Estate category. You can also find irresistible offers in Community, For Sale and Baby, Mummy categories. Have a good browsing!
Would you like to place a free ad?
Placing ads is very simple, it works as a local advertising newspaper. The adventage of it, besides it’s free, that your ad is available indefinetely, so you can reach a much bigger community, unlimited amount of text can be displayed, even 30 photos can be added to each ads, and there is a possibility of placing HTML codes or links showing on your website in the text of your ad. Your ad can be shared in community portals as Facebook, Google+ or Twitter, so even your friends can get to know about it. Our aim is to help you to sell your bored, unused things cost-effectively in the best price as soon as possible. Place your ad now for free, online, with a few clicks, have a successful sale!