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Paid Federal Training Programs- High School/College Students, New Graduates

3 years
  • Ad ID: ADOIST-5319335
  • Category: Job
  • Subcategory: Student job
  • Position type: Full-time
Disaster Response. Environmental Projects. Community Support.

Rebuilding. Human Services. Technology. Urban & Rural Planning. Public Relations. Management.

These paid federal training & service learning programs require no degree or experience at the entry level. An excellent option for those interested in business, computer science/IT networking, construction, carpentry, building trades, environmental management, emergency services, forestry, fire science, fire management, disaster response, public administration, social sciences, law enforcement, homeland security, public health, animal care, writing/journalism, counseling, human services, recreation, non-profit services, or careers with local, state or federal government and organizations.

Build your employment portfolio with relevant experience, gain new skills and leadership experience, replace traditional student jobs like waiting tables, sandwich artist, cashier, food delivery driver and retail work on your resume- and really impress the next person who interviews you. Receive an educational award to pay off student debt, or to acquire more education or job training in the future.

Attend a virtual career event to explore these programs and start your application - WITHOUT leaving home.

See all upcoming events and register for the virtual career fair you prefer at

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