This listing was updated more than 3 months ago. It might contain outdated information.
Make Money
4 years, 7 months
Ad ID:ADOIST-5159226
Subcategory:Banking, insurance job
Position type:Part-time
Want to help businesses get loans? Become an agent with David Allen Capital!
Work full time, part time or whenever you want. This is a commission only opportunity. This can be a great venture for individuals who work hard to make an AWESOME INCOME!
All you have to do is start advertising for business owners to go to your website and apply for a loan. Visit local businesses and leave them a post card with your business loan offer. Assist business owners on how to apply with us for a loan. ONE APPROVED LOAN can mean big commissions for you!
Build a team to make even more money! Bring others to be agents under you and earn from their hard work.
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