This listing was updated more than 3 months ago. It might contain outdated information.
Effective online SQL MSBI training by Mr. Narendra USA from our expert, starting on june 16th 2016
California phonix 2400 Camino Ramon, Suite #180 A, San Ramon, CA 9
8 years, 8 months
Ad ID:ADOIST-3120609
Subcategory:Education job, training job
Position type:Not provided
LearnFromGuru is a pioneer in IT virtual training. Our trainers are hands-on domain experts from the Industry and experts in bridging the gap between classroom sessions and real time environment. This very approach ensures each and every student from LearnFromGuru is ready to face the toughest IT challenges.
Training Name: SQL MSBI Start Date: june 16th 2016 Time in PST: 06:00 PM PDT( California Time Zone) Registration link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.
Thanks & Regards Sneha Reddy Training Coordinator Ph: 408-657-4159 or reach Srini at 614-209-1054 on my absence Email:
California, phonix, 2400 Camino Ramon, Suite #180 A, San Ramon, CA 9
LearnFromGuru is a pioneer in IT virtual training. Our trainers are hands-on domain experts from the Industry and experts in bridging the gap between classroom sessions and real time environment. This very approach ensures each and every student from...
California, phonix, 2400 Camino Ramon, Suite #180 A, San Ramon, CA 9
LearnFromGuru is a pioneer in IT virtual training. Our trainers are hands-on domain experts from the Industry and experts in bridging the gap between classroom sessions and real time environment. This very approach ensures each and every student from...