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Online Training On Liferay Development Training 6.2 offered By Maxmunus India
San Francisco Washington
10 years, 7 months
Ad ID:ADOIST-1641579
Subcategory:Tutoring, Private lessons
Liferay Development Training 6.2
Liferay 6.2 is built using the most popular Enterprise Java development stack these days, which is Spring on Hibernate. The web side of it uses JSPs and the Struts framework, which is from the days when Struts was the de facto Java web framework. The client side UI uses a JavaScript framework called AlloyUI, which is developed internally at Liferay and is built on the Yahoo YUI user interface library. There are also several other frameworks that make the nuts and bolts of the portal, including an in-house BPM engine called Kaleo, Apache JackRabbit and Lucene for content management and indexing among others. If you want to learn more about Liferay and would like to start developing for it, their Developer and Advanced developer courses are excellent and well get you productive very quickly, given you have already mastered Java and know a little JavaScript and CSS.
To join Online Training session kindly feel free to contact with us Name - Avishek Priyadarshi Email - id - , Skype - id - madhu_maxmunus , suryadk1 Contact No. - +91 - 8553177744/9035888988 Company Website -