Best pay in the industry. Must have 3-5 years of experience. Thorough knowledge about fire sprinkler systems and own all the tools required to perform job with necessary PPE. Transportation to and from jobs. Must be able to work 40+ hours. Must be Dr...
We need hardworking people ASAP! You must be willing to follow instructions! You must be online savvy! Great pay and work too! Limited positions Text Tim at 519-583-9324 or email at
Precise Protective is a database of freelance security personnel where companies can hire qualified security guards On –Demand. Precise Protective connects companies with a nationwide network of licensed security guards. Guards can be requested in re...
Precise Protective is a database of freelance security personnel where companies can hire qualified security guards On –Demand. Guards can be requested in real-time or on a short term basis for temporary shift cover. Licensed security guards can crea...